Astronomy 101 - Lesson 2: The Inner Planets

OK, boys and girls, here's your next lesson in planetary astronomy. The solar system can be divided in two ways depending on location or composition of the objects in question (this is when discussing planets, the sun and moons of the solar system are a different story). The location divisions can be done as follows (from the sun outwards): Inner Planets, Asteroids and Minor planets, Outer Planets, Kuiper Belt Objects. Each one of these locations also have the majority of the objects in these areas composed of a particular material (i.e. Kuiper Belt objects are predominantly made of ices from such materials as methane, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, plus a smattering of silicate/rocky materials mixed in). So, mes etudiants, listen up:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Labels: Astronomy, Education, Physical Sciences, Science