Live with it...

So now it's day 10 of over 100 degrees... you can only live with it. At this time then, let's include some links to places you just have to check out:
[1] Rocketboom (videoblog) [2] YouTube (if you haven't been here yet... duh!) [3] Unclaimed Territory (web log of Glenn Greenwald, author of "What would a Patriot do?")
I may update this blog later with links to some of the best sites for Free Thinkers and Astronomy. Ummm. Water... cool, clear, water....
For Astronomy I recommend the following websites:
[1] Jet Propulsion Lab ( this is the site where all the space probes are guided from)
[2] Hubble Space Telescope Image Gallery (such cool pics... gotta see it!)
[3] NASA (Duh... from here you can find links on astronomy up the wazoo)
For Free Thinkers (the Enlightenment Era definition, not this post-modern mental masturbation and swill), I sugest some o the following pages:
[1] Free Thinking Definitions (from wikipedia, but I have read this and it works just fine)
[2] Deism (another wikipedia article and this one is just as good)
[3] World Union of Deists (not bad and very informative)
[4] Religious (the name says it all)
[5] Positive Deism (check it out)
[6] Age of Enlightenment (a final wiki which esplains my the view I see the world from)
And now, my friends, the rest is up to you. You either will or won't have the drive to research and learn about such things on your own (I have put it in front of you - you will be interested or ou won't). But remember the words of Master Yoda:
"Do or do not... there is no try." Peace.