A Feminine Discovery

As my close friends will tell you, I am a total sucker for the feminine wiles. I will freely admit that I love the feminine form in all it's incarnations from the ballerina to the Marilyn Monroe curvy figure ( not that any of you really care but what the hell,it's MY blog)... But in all these I have a few features that I really 'go for.'
1. A beautiful face. Everything else is essentially negotiable but a face I like to stare at and drown in is a must.
2. Brunette hair. Hey, each person is different and we should all know and admit what we like... brunettes are my thing ( and the blacker the hair, the better I like it... my blog, my tastes... don't like it, the door is there).
This preface is all to introduce a model I just mysteriously "ran into" while on Facebook: Francoise Boufhal
Rarely have I seen a lady of such beauty of face and luscious curve of frame. I just am entranced by her. look her up on YouTube and listen to her dreams and ambitions. I like someone who is willing to take on the notion of the waif model and advance the motion of the 'curvy' look that I like so much. I think I will be writing about her more in the future.
Francoise Boufhal
Labels: Fun, Minutae and Triviata