The Mysteries of Science and Life...

There are times when I find the most serendipitous moments in the most unexpected of places. Imagine being able to go inside a White Blood Cell and shrink down to the scale of a molecle and see the workings of the cell... how it makes proteins, the DNA divides, copies, and the RNA reads the DNA with the assistance of helper molecles and enzymes. Wow, if only you could see this, hmmmm....While reading the blog "Daily Kos" I was introduced to this video during the blogs Science Friday post. Of course I had to find more and here it is from YouTube:
The site that lets you know how it ws put together by biology students at Harvard is found here:
And if you're wondering what what you are seeing in the sequences of the video you can find the explanations here:
I can't state how intriguing and just plain fascinating the video is for me. I have spent some time in my chemistry studies thinking about such wonderful chemical machinery inside a cell but finally someone has put it into a form that I can just stare at and allow my wonder to come over me... my imagination is being set free...
Am I the only person who thought of that old movie with the peeps insie the guy and getting their asses kicked by white blood cells? Just me then? As you were.
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