The Elegant Universe - Part 2: The String's the Thing

And so the unification of all the fundamental forces of the Universe has become the "Holy Grail" of theoretical physics, but the job of doing this has been illusive as a phantasm in the night. Then along comes string theory and seems to fit the bill. But why bother? Why not just use Gravity and Quantum Mechanics as needed? Well, that's what we have been doing... and it turns out the conflict between the two is not allowing us to explain the places where gravity must work on the very small level like the atom.... string theory does. In case you don't know it, searching for such answers led us to the computer and information age in which we live because of the work originally done with quantum mechanics back in the 1920's and 30's because it allowed us to explain how we could get semi-conductors to do what they do and that is the basis of the microprocessor. So, now for the 2nd part of The Elegant Universe - The String's the Thing:
Part 2/1 - The String's the Thing
Part 2/2 - The String's the Thing
Part 2/3 - The String's the Thing
Part 2/4 - The String's the Thing
Part 2/5 - The String's the Thing
Labels: Physical Sciences, Science
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