Beyond Belief '06

In November 2006, The Science Network put on a conference at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California (my fair state) with a huge list of speakers and attendees (go to the below included URL from The Edge magazine for more information on who was there) from many, many different disciplines in science and many points of view as well (including Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris with others such as Anne Druyan and Alex deGrasse Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium). I include here several exerpts from the conference from the YouTube website and ask that you view them in order. I feel there is a coming change to science where the scientific community is no longer willing to accept or defer to religious belief as something which is somehow "untouchable" or to be given special status anymore. Rational discussion and the use of the scientific method CAN begin to explain the reasons behind belief of all kinds and it is this that the conference attempted to start to address:
Sam Harris: Clips 1 to 5 on "Science and Intellectual Honesty"
More from the conference in later blogs.
Labels: Science and Religion
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