The God Delusion (Part 2)

Here is the continuation of the discussion with Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. As you might notice, many of the questioners stated that they were from Liberty University not the host campus... Liberty is the so-called univeristy run by the right-wing christian minister Jerry Falwell and his so-called Moral Majority. As Mr. Dawkins states himself of the Q and A session, "Many of the questioners announced themselves as either students or faculty from Liberty, rather than from Randolph Macon which was my host institution. One by one they tried to trip me up, and one by one their failure to do so was applauded by the audience. Finally, I said that my advice to all Liberty students was to resign immediately and apply to a proper university instead. That received thunderous applause, so that I almost began to feel slightly sorry for the Liberty people. Only almost and only slightly, however."

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