Walk Fast, Run Slowly

[Music to read by: "Clubbed to Death 2"; by Rob Dougan from Furious Angels ]
I used to work out a lot. Then, in late 2004, I had a confluence of events come together which kept me from being able to keep up my work out routine. First I had to take more classes at the college to keep my license up to date and that required a lot of time (learning a new language, especially Asian languages, for a westerner can be difficult usually). Secondly, I developed a viral infection of the cartlilage in my rib cage (technically known as Costochondritis) which hurt like a fiend. Running became a new experience in low level, constant pain and sleep was becoming a thing of the past. All of these circumstances came together to keep me from keeping me in good shape.... I hated feeling like a couch potato when I'm not really. Finally, I started feeling better with some vacation in June and felt like trying my hand at running again...
I knew I was out of shape. I started out by walking around the neighborhood and remembered the massive municipal park near by. So I walked over to it and looked for where the runners might normally go. It wasn't difficult. The running path was well worn and easily visible. So, for the next few days I went on a series of fast walks. I paced if as a very brisk walk which shouldn't take more than and our. It was delightful but even then I could feel that my calf muscles were in no shape to really run and I needed some motivation. What to do?
One iPod Nano later and a great workout song by Crystal Method (Drive: Nike + Running) and I felt I had it going again. In fact, I felt so good that I just started running. I missed it. It felt good, but not as god as it had before... The endorphine rush didn't come quite as quickly as in early years. But, I pushed on... 5 minutes, 10, 20,.... 30... The burn was good and I thought may be running slowly but I'm running! The song was 44 minutes and it hadn't run out yet... Just keep going. I played mind tricks on myself. Just to the next tree... Just to the next corner... You can keep up with that runner... Just catch him and then you can walk. Then music and the pace started to match... beat, beat, beat, foot, foot, foot.....thump, thump, thump, thump...
Home was in a decent time (35:48 for 3.42 miles). I paid the price tough. I'm glad I don't have a girlfriend who would have seen me later that day ( popping motrin and slapping Solonpas pads on my aching legs). I new I had over done it (so freaking typical of me... push until you can't push any more, then push some more). I waited two more days... try again.
It's now a plan of mine to get some new running shoes and the Nike + running system to keep track of my run stats. This will hook well with my iPod Nano and let me download data from a sensor in the Nike shoe. Cool. In the end, however, I am doing it to put myself back to the place I should have been.... I can take on anyone because they always do what everyone does.... underestimate my determination and abilities. So, walk fast and run slowly until walking isn't needed and running becomes second nature and 3.42 miles is just a warm-up for the rest of the day. Next, Pipeworks Gym and rock climbing...
I used to work out a lot. Then, in late 2004, I had a confluence of events come together which kept me from being able to keep up my work out routine. First I had to take more classes at the college to keep my license up to date and that required a lot of time (learning a new language, especially Asian languages, for a westerner can be difficult usually). Secondly, I developed a viral infection of the cartlilage in my rib cage (technically known as Costochondritis) which hurt like a fiend. Running became a new experience in low level, constant pain and sleep was becoming a thing of the past. All of these circumstances came together to keep me from keeping me in good shape.... I hated feeling like a couch potato when I'm not really. Finally, I started feeling better with some vacation in June and felt like trying my hand at running again...
I knew I was out of shape. I started out by walking around the neighborhood and remembered the massive municipal park near by. So I walked over to it and looked for where the runners might normally go. It wasn't difficult. The running path was well worn and easily visible. So, for the next few days I went on a series of fast walks. I paced if as a very brisk walk which shouldn't take more than and our. It was delightful but even then I could feel that my calf muscles were in no shape to really run and I needed some motivation. What to do?
One iPod Nano later and a great workout song by Crystal Method (Drive: Nike + Running) and I felt I had it going again. In fact, I felt so good that I just started running. I missed it. It felt good, but not as god as it had before... The endorphine rush didn't come quite as quickly as in early years. But, I pushed on... 5 minutes, 10, 20,.... 30... The burn was good and I thought may be running slowly but I'm running! The song was 44 minutes and it hadn't run out yet... Just keep going. I played mind tricks on myself. Just to the next tree... Just to the next corner... You can keep up with that runner... Just catch him and then you can walk. Then music and the pace started to match... beat, beat, beat, foot, foot, foot.....thump, thump, thump, thump...
Home was in a decent time (35:48 for 3.42 miles). I paid the price tough. I'm glad I don't have a girlfriend who would have seen me later that day ( popping motrin and slapping Solonpas pads on my aching legs). I new I had over done it (so freaking typical of me... push until you can't push any more, then push some more). I waited two more days... try again.
It's now a plan of mine to get some new running shoes and the Nike + running system to keep track of my run stats. This will hook well with my iPod Nano and let me download data from a sensor in the Nike shoe. Cool. In the end, however, I am doing it to put myself back to the place I should have been.... I can take on anyone because they always do what everyone does.... underestimate my determination and abilities. So, walk fast and run slowly until walking isn't needed and running becomes second nature and 3.42 miles is just a warm-up for the rest of the day. Next, Pipeworks Gym and rock climbing...
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